The New Factory Thinker
Your Five-Step BIG Idea Blueprint For True Success
In The New Economy
In this thought-provoking presentation, Bill Bishop explains how companies today are reinventing themselves as a "New Factory" in order to survive and succeed in a marketplace disrupted by technology.
"Technology such as artificial intelligence, machine learning algorithms, data analytics, robotics, business process automation, the Blockchain and new networked business models are disrupting the marketplace on a fundamental level," Bishop says. "And yet, 99% of companies today, including most Internet and technology companies, still operate like they are in the 20th Century or even the 19th Century."
"I call them old factories because their fundamental business model is not designed to survive and succeed in today’s technologically-disrupted marketplace."
"That's why I teach entrepreneurs and business people how to re-wire their minds for New Factory Thinking, a new kind of thinking about business that is more suited for today's marketplace."
Based on his experience working with more than 5,000 entrepreneurial companies during the past 30 years, Bill explains why the old factory approach is obsolete, and gives you a blueprint for building a New Factory."
"Companies like Apple, Google, Amazon—along with hundreds of small entrepreneurial companies—are thriving today because they reinvented themselves as a New Factory."
"That's why this is not just a theory. It's already being used by future-oriented companies that truly understand that the world has changed irreversibly."
"And by becoming a New Factory, they are able to take full advantage of today's new market conditions.”
In Bill Bishop’s presentation The New Factory Thinker, you and your audience will learn:
• How new technology has changed the marketplace on a fundamental level;
• Why these new market conditions mean it's no longer a good idea to build your business around your product or service;
• Why you should now build your business around a niche type of ideal customer, instead of a product or service;
• Why you must no longer confine your business to a particular industry;
• Why companies designed around a single powerful concept or idea are more flexible, competitive, sustainable and scalable;
• Why you need to transform your customers into "members";
• Why you need to set up a "value hub" to sell products and services provided by other companies, including your competitors;
• How to make much bigger profit margins by providing your "members with intangible emotional value;
• Why you need to turn fixed overhead into variable overhead;
• Why you don't need to give up your old factory in order to build your New Factory;
• How to build your New Factory in five simple steps.
Bill also shares examples of New Factories he has helped build in his work as coach to entrepreneurs.